What can mods do, and what do I need? Can I use them on mobile?

Q: What are Genshin mods?

A: There are many types of mods, but this is exclusively about skins, specifically, 3Dmigoto skins. They don't change game files or cheat the game - instead, they are just a visual overlay not too dissimilar from changing the brightness of your screen - and despite being somewhat limited, they are what allow us to not get our accounts banned.

Q: Do mods work on playstation/mobile?

A: Sadly, no. I've only seen one video that seemed to be on playstation but I have no idea of how that was achieved or if it's using 3Dmigoto. Either way, skins are pc only.

Q: Can I...?

A: No you can't add primos, no you can't change attacks/skills or their values, no you can't change animations, no you can't get artifacts more easily, etc. You can do those things on private servers, and there are mods that are less limited than 3Dmigoto mods, but those things can give you problems, so use at your own risk, and ask about them in more appropriate servers, not this one - this discord has nothing to do with that. That said, other mods that count as a visual overlay, like making certain UI elements invisible, can still be achieved with 3dmigoto. Either way, the whole Kaveh Destroyer of Worlds episode has nothing to do with skin mods or 3Dmigoto.

Q: So I don't need a private server to use skin mods?

A: No, you don't need a private server, skins work perfectly in the official server ^~^

Q: How do I revert back to not using mods?

A: There is no such thing as "reverting back" because the game is not actually being changed. Refer to the safety/banning section for more details. Every time you want to see skins in your game, you have to run a certain program before launching the game, otherwise you won't even see it. So if you want to stop seeing mods completely, just never run that, and delete the folders that contain the program and the mods since in that case they will just be cluttering your pc.

Will mods get me banned?

Q: Will I get banned for using skins in my official accounts?

A: Like I said, 3Dmigoto doesn't really do things like cheating - the only broken rule is the fact that this counts as a 3rd-party software, but in about 70000 people using mods, literally no one has been banned (and most of them mod in the official server, not in private servers). And this has been going for well over a year. Hoyoverse knows about the existence of mods, but they seem pretty indifferent so far, and either way it would be difficult for them to ban people when mods don't change game files.

Q: Can other people in co-op see that I'm using mods and report me?

A: No, because it's just a visual overlay on your side, the characters are not actually wearing another skin/glider. The only way people would know would be if you shared screenshots or recordings with your UID visible.

If 2 people with mods co-op, each will see the mods that they picked for the characters, not the mods chosen by the other person. So if they took screenshots and showed them, they would only be denouncing themselves, not the other person.